The Official Succession Series Finale Predictions And Preview Blog

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Alright everybody. This is why you lift all them weights play all those games of Boar on the Floor! We got the finale for Succession airing on Sunday night on whatever HBO calls itself now and we may actually get a succession to Logan Roy! Or not. I actually don't know if that'll happen, which will honestly be hilarious considering how many times we thought something major was going to happen before everything just Entourage'd out.

Robbie and I did a deep dive into what we think may happen in the finale on this week's My Mom's Basement (starting at the 42 minute point).

For people that prefer the written word to the spoken word by handsome faces, I dipped the quill to drop a few takes that will likely be exposed by the time credits run after this lovely 90 minute supersized Succession. But I'm gonna give it a shot and welcome anybody who wants to do the same to leave their predictions in the comments.


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The Number 1 Boy of L-to the-O-G is probably the character with the highest ceiling to go along with the highest floor of anyone on the show. I could see him becoming the killer Logan wanted all those years at the cost of everything that's left in his personal life now that the poison has dripped through. 

I could also see him tripping up before the finish line yet again as he spews 100 different awful corporate buzzwords but comfortably landing on his billions. From a narrative standpoint, Kendall is clearly the proverbial favorite to the throne just because it's been his show whenever it wasn't Logan's.


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As the conductor of the #Shivwagon, I'll admit that hearing Matsson say he thinks a US CEO will work got me feeling all sort of things inside. I'll also admit that I realize there are multiple people on this list gunning for the CEO position that are also from the US and Shiv's fate always seems to be her making that sad/angry (sangry?) face. But it just felt nice to win one last week after watching Shiv take some serious L's this season, even though she probably peaked a bit too early like my beloved 2022 Mets.

Nonetheless, I'll be riding with the #Shivwagon until the wheels fall off. Or at least the wheels that are still on after a bruuuuuutal Season 4 for Shiv.


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I'll be honest, I think Roman is in big trouble. Not in the sense of him not going to sit in the dad's old seat following his breakdown at his dad's funeral. But I think Rome is the odds on favorite to have something really bad happen to him, be it by his hands or someone else, after everything that has gone down along with whatever skeletons he has in his closet. I don't love to say that since he is an outright hilarious character, but there is a whole lot of bad juju floating around Romulus Roy these days.

Times were so much easier when he just had a bed wetting problem.

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Connor Roy is going to be the next President of the United States in four years and if you don't believe that, you can get the hell out of America. I'm just hoping for 1-2 classic Con lines followed by our future First Lady Willa walking off into an affluent NATO country's sunset before campaign season begins again in a few years.


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I may be riding on the #Shivwagon, but even I cannot deny how awesome of a character Tom Wambsgans is. If Matsson goes with a US CEO, I think he may end up being the pick because he plays the game ruthlessly, is a friend of Mencken thanks to the ATN ties, and it would lead to an awesomely toxic conversation between him and Shiv that would probably turn both of those sick fucks on so much, they'd end up with a full litter of a dozen Wambsgans running around based off those verbal tongue lashings alone.

Or the name Wambsgans means more than we could ever imagine since this theory just caused my brain to explode like a Roman Roy rocket.

Greg The Egg

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I know Greg has evolved to the point where he can drop The Egg from his name, but I love the rhyming dynamic way too much to drop it.

Dante covered Greg's potential ending in great detail yesterday, which you should read here:

The Roy kids getting cut out of their father's company and watching an egghead like Greg who survived with jussssst enough cunning guile would be a delicious ending for a show full of awful people. He already sewered Shiv by revealing her Matsson alliance to Kendall last episode, flipped on The Tomlette during the cruise fiasco plus may have more fuel if he didn't delete the file on Tom's computer he talked about as Logan died, and has become Matsson's play thing thanks to a drug fueled night of dancing and weirdness at a New York club I imagine was attended by Stefon.

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People may think Greg becoming the US CEO because Matsson is a wildcard that will do whatever he wants instead of what's good for the company. I know that seems like a stretch, but I see someone do this every single day on Twitter, so I can't dismiss it. Greg's failing upwards tale has also been "the best story", which makes him eligible for the throne of an HBO show based on that alone.

A lot of people have floated that Greg could fire Tom regardless of which side "wins", which would definitely be a satisfying conclusion after all the literal hell the older Disgusting Brother put the younger Disgusting Brother through. But no matter what happens with Greg, I think we can all agree that it will be one of the more entertaining moments of the finale.


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I love these fuckers so much. I love when they appear to have a soul just as much when they appear to have none while acting like hyenas. I hope they don't get glossed over too much as all the loose ends are tied up because they have stolen the show multiple times, with my guy Kendall's dog Hugo dropping this gem in the penultimate episode.

Maybe we'll even get one of them to make a last minute push at the crown like Gerri did during that cruise escapade, which honestly would feel very real life corporatey.

Matsson/Mencken/The Deal

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Maybe I'm just a sucker, but this show has always pulled a 180 when none of us saw it coming. I haven't seen many people say the deal or even Mencken's presidency will crash and burn, which changes EVERYTHING (said in TJ Lavin's voice from MTV's The Challenge).

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Yeah I dropped a TJ Lavin reference in a Succession blog because he fucking rules. 

Anyway, I'm not sure if 90 minutes gives us enough time to untangle this entire GoJo mess then tie everything together into a nice bow. But they've had roughly 4 seasons of practice of doing exactly that, so why the fuck not wrap things up with what got them here?

So I'll guess Kendall with the board in the soulless conference room.

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Actually fuck that. I'm sticking with the stock I bought at its lowest point like I did with the #Branwagon once upon a time and choosing the #Shivwagon to roll through all the motherfuckers that results in Pinky ruling like she should have for years! 


Again, Robbie and I dived much deeper into all this on My Mom's Basement, starting at the 42 minute mark. So check it out below:

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